Where is the thing I have lost?

What has become of the thing I have lost?
Stop everything ... take a breath and no more frantic searching!
Stand in the middle of the room and repeat “I ordain my higher-self to find … (item) by divine right. I deny all loss. what is mine, is mine by divine right and now returns to me under grace.
Works every time! Watch out ... many times the thing you are hunting for will simply fall from the sky and into your hands! This typically happens within 48 hours.

While you are waiting for the magical return, have some fun rolling the dice' ABOVE!
Dice total 2 ~ What was lost shall yet be found.
Dice total 3 ~ Let 3 days lapse then search again.
Dice total 4 ~ It has been found by another who needs it more than you!
Dice total 5 ~ It is only mislaid and will presently be found.
Dice total 6 ~ It lies across water or near a water feature.
Dice total 7 ~ It is in the possession of another and may yet be returned.
Dice total 8 ~ It is near to a box with an inlaid design on the lid.
Dice total 9 ~ It is where it ought to be.
Dice total 10 ~ It is in clear view perhaps not to you, have a child look for you.
Dice total 11 ~ Let the finder keep it for you will have a better one in time.
Dice total 12 ~ Someone does know and could tell if they choose.