Help Me Make A Decision.
Decisions, choices, ideas, oh what to do? This is the internal chatter we have.
Stop everything ... now take a deep breath to connect with that internal voice or your soul that never lets you down and just breathe!
Whether sitting or standing, repeat to yourself “I trust my higher self to give me a strong and noticeable lead. Give me as strong hunch to follow the right choice for my highest good, by divine right under grace!
Watch out for messages that float in they may come by way of a powerful dream. Someone saying the right thing at the right time. It will be like a lightbulb going off and you will have your aha moment and it typically happens within 48 hours. When you have a strong connection to your established inner-tuition your answer can come instantly.
While you are waiting for great inspiration to flow, have some fun rolling the dice!
TWO … Follow your heart.
THREE … In this situation let the head rule the heart.
FOUR … East or West home is always best, apply this to your situation.
FIVE … Stick with the tried and true.
SIX … This will be decided for you.
SEVEN ... Sleep on it and decide as soon as you wake.
EIGHT … Decide to whom or what owes your loyalty then decide.
NINE ... Consult another either person or another divination.
TEN … You know in your heart the answer and just what to do.
ELEVEN Follow your first reaction without delay.
TWELVE Opt for the new. It is timely and change will benefit you.